On Sun, 11 Mar 2018 01:41:54 +0100, Thomas Dickey <dic...@his.com> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 11:09:29PM +0100, j. van den hoff wrote:
On Fri, 09 Mar 2018 22:24:16 +0100, Thomas Dickey <dic...@his.com> wrote:

>On Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 05:37:24PM +0100, j. van den hoff wrote:
>>I have a "tags" file of function definitions in the `R' language
>>(https://www.r-project.org). function names can contain periods, so I
>>lines such as
>>disp.array      fzrutils/R/disp.array.R /^disp.array <- function ($/;"
>>in the "tags" file. my `.vilerc' contains
>>set tags {path_to_the_tags_file}
>>set tagrelative
>>`vi -t disp.array' does not work as expected but reacts the same way it
>>when a non-existent tag is specified (just reporting the read-in config
>>files: "Reading ~/vile.rc" etc.). tags not containing a `.'  in the
>>name work just fine. `vim -t disp.array' does the expected even if the
>>is present in the name.
>>Am I missing something or is this a bug?
>When doing ^]], vile's using a function checks only the character class,
>and stops when a character isn't an "identifier":
>screen_to_ident(char *buf, size_t bufn)
>    int rc = FALSE;
>    CHARTYPE mask = vl_ident;
>    int whole_line = adjust_chartype(&mask);
>    TRACE((T_CALLED "screen_to_ident\n"));
> rc = read_by_regex(buf, bufn, b_val_rexp(curbp, VAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPR),
>    if (rc == FALSE)
>    rc = read_by_ctype(buf, bufn, mask, whole_line);
>    returnCode(rc);
>:show-printable shows that it's not (by default) an "id" character:
>45  -        -   -   -   -  -   prn pun -   -  path -   arg -  nsp -   tmp sh
>46  .        -   -   -   -  -   prn pun -   -  path -   arg -  nsp -   tmp sh
>47  /        -   -   -   -  -   prn pun -   -  path -   -   -  nsp -   tmp sh
>48  0        -   -   num -  -   prn -   -   id path -   arg -  nsp qid tmp sh
>49  1        -   -   num -  -   prn -   -   id path -   arg -  nsp qid tmp sh
>You could change that with
>    set-char-class id=[.]
>45  -        -   -   -   -  -   prn pun -   -  path -   arg -  nsp -   tmp sh
>46  .        -   -   -   -  -   prn pun -   id path -   arg -  nsp -   tmp sh
>47  /        -   -   -   -  -   prn pun -   -  path -   -   -  nsp -   tmp sh
>48  0        -   -   num -  -   prn -   -   id path -   arg -  nsp qid tmp sh
>49  1        -   -   num -  -   prn -   -   id path -   arg -  nsp qid tmp sh

thank you -- didn't know of the `show-printable' command... anyhow, your
suggested solution does not work for me: I put the

   set-char-class id=[.]

into my .vilerc but nothing has changed. `vi -t disp.array' (in my example)
does still not work.

ah... I was answering the scenario that I used for a quick test.

The short answer is that there's more than one case used for tags.

From the command-line, the -t option adds the value as part of a startup

                    add_cmdarg(opts_bp, "tag %s\n", GetArgVal(param));
so you should get the same result using
        :tag disp.array

ok... but that's exactly what is _not_ happening here... from within the editor and when using `:tag disp.array' vile correctly recognizes the tag just fine and opens the corresponding file. only when doing `vile -t disp.array' (apology for stating previously that I issued `vi -t disp.array' -- I admit that I've aliased `vile' to `vi' ;)) vile chokes...

Reading from the screen is different.

you mean when using `^]' or also with `:tag'?

From a command-line (or script), the code's not limited by the character
class exactly - it's ended with whitespace, newline, etc.  It accepts
a tab for name-completion of course.

for me, `:tag disp.array' recognizes the tag but TAB completion on this name does not work (due to the `.' it seems). TAB completion only works for names w/o the `.'.

But I'm puzzled because a few cases that I set up for answering the mail
worked for me, e.g.,

PACKAGES.arch package/debian/rules /^PACKAGES.arch = vile vile-filters xvile$/;" m

and now, using your example (and a suitable file for the target of course):

disp.array      fzrutils/R/disp.array.R /^disp.array <- function ($/;"  f

you mean, that example works for you, too?

Perhaps there's something related to your locale settings.  I'm using
en_US.UTF-8, and recall that "." is treated differently in the European
locales.  But a quick test with de_DE.UTF-8 gives me consistent results.

in fact, I usually (and right now) use en_US.UTF-8...

what I _have_ learned in the meantime: when being already in the editor `:ta
disp.array' works just fine (w/ or w/o the `set-char-class id=[.]' in
`.vilerc'). this is good and suffices as a working solution but I would of
course be grateful for any further hint how to make `vi -t' work for
`foo.bar' type names.

another observation: when using `:ta {tagname}' from within `vile', TAB
completion of tagname works, but only for tagnames _not_ containing a `.' (again, independent of whether `set-char-class id=[.]' has been issued or

>>seen with vile version 9.8o for darwin14.3.0.
>>thank you
>>PS: I also presume, there is a small `ctags' bug here. the search
>>probably should backslash-protect the period in order to actually only
>>`disp.array' verbatim rather than
>>disp{any-single-character}array, no? otherwise one might jump to the
>hmm - I think it's correct, since "magic" is normally set.

ah., I see. maybe it's time to spend some time with the (really good) vile help file again: I was not aware of the 'magic' feature of vi and vile at
all. sorry for the noise...

no problem - actually reading the mail, I made a note to verify whether
vile's doing the right thing

I've played around with this in the meantime and, yes, it seems `vile' does what you explained (when using `:tag' I can jump to `foo.bar' and adding a further line to the tags file with name `fooabar' before `foo.bar' does not confuse the lookup of `foo.bar').

so to summarize what I still see here:

* using vile version 9.8s for darwin15.6.0

* "en_US.UTF-8" locale

* tags file contains entries of the form `disp.array fzrutils/R/disp.array.R /^disp.array <- function ($/;" f'

* `vile -t disp.array' does not work from the command line (other tags (incidentally there is a `disp' tag as well, e.g.) do work)
   - `vim -t disp.array', OTOH, works

* from within vile:

   - `:tag disp.array' does work

- TAB completion on such tag names do _not_ work (TAB completion on tag names w/o `.' works fine)

* the `.' is not really that special: the problem is the same when replacing the dot by several other punctuation characters (although those will hardly ever be really part of an identifier, I presume...)

if there is anything else I can try to make it (vi -t foo.bar) work please let me know. although I am of course afraid that my locale setup is somehow the culprit. but I don't see anything obviously pathological about it ...

thank you


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