chris wrote:
 > I don't use xvile all that much, I use vile in a terminal window most
 > of the time, however I do sometimes find I need to use xvile.
 > I've just found that the > character doesn't work in xvile.  This
 > seems to be the same on both version 9.8v and 9.8y running on two
 > different xubuntu systems.
 > The > character works fine everwhere else, in vile, in the terminal
 > window, in browser windows, etc.
 > I've tried changing font selection but that didn't help.
 > I *can* enter a > by typing x3e.
 > Any ideas how to diagnose this?

Perhaps not much help, but:  works for me, 9.8v on Ubuntu.

paul fox, (arlington, ma, where it's 41.6 degrees)

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