Hi Everyone,
Julie, thanks for keeping this discussion going.  I like the idea of using
the Well for exchanging resources such as contacts, books, data bases etc. 
Sometimes I get stuck in my research because I need more input, but don't
know where to get it.  Also, about the idea of having it be an open forum. 
We could try it.  I have a slight hesitation that we might not get the same
depth in the discussions.  I know it was was very helpful for me as a
presenter to have to stay focused and follow my thoughts for an extended
period of time.  It's like muscle building for the brain.  But why not try
it and see what happens.

On that note, I would like to respond to Julie's question and share some
changes in my research that came about in part through the Well
discussions.  I noticed while presenting my topic on Transformational
Dialogue that something felt dry and academic.  I got excited as people
started telling stories about their own experiences and more of a human
element was introduced.  To make a longer story short, I decided to
research instead the use of metaphor and narrative in organizations and
whether  these narratives/metaphors are reflected in the individual stories
of the organization's members.   I want to use the PW Center as a case
study for this.  I am very excited about this new shift in focus as I feel
it brings in more emphasis on group identity, culture, and functioning. 
Things that  that drew me to Process Work in the very beginning.  

If the Well becomes a place to share resources and information, I will
definitely have some questions to put out there.  

I hope you are all well and studying those things that help make life more
meaningful.  Liesbeth

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