Vincent Linsong wrote:

>     I just try the fresh vim7f Beta on my ubuntu box, found some problems:
>     1. the behavior of omnicompletion is changed  
>         I set
>            completeopt=menu,preview,longest
>         in vim7d beta, when I input something then press <C-X><C-O>, the 
> completion menu shows up, then as I input more characters, the content 
> of the completion menu is changed and the first entry in the menu is 
> highlighted. But in vim7f, all things work except the first entry is not 
> highlighted. Is it a bug or a design?

This is by design.  Some people mentioned that when using the longest
common string the first entry should not be selected.  Now you can use
CTRL-N to select the first entry.  Previously you would need to do
CTRL-N CTRL-P to get the first entry.

>     2. one problem with syntax highlight
>        Open help by :help command, the '|' is missing, that is 
> |usr_01.txt| now becomes usr_01.txt. This happens in mud colorscheme, 
> but does not occur in desert colorscheme. Maybe this is a problem of the 
> colorscheme, but it works well before(at least in vim7d and vim6.x). It 
> means there is something about syntax highlight changed in vim7f. Is it 
> intended? 

This is intentional.  The || characters mark tags, but can make it more
difficult to read the command being explained.

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