On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 04:08:32PM +0200, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
I found a bug related to syntax highlighting, although I wouldn't be
surprised if people already know about this. Simply, the syntax
highlighting sometimes gets messed up and I have to refresh the window
(with <c-l>) in order make the highlighting correct again.

I have been experiencing this for a while. Is there an effort to fix this?
The syncing could probably be better, but this problem is sometimes
unavoidable.  Knowing what filetype the problem occurs for would help
in investigating the issue further.

I don't know if sometimes it's unavoidable, but definitely sometimes it
is avoidable. In my experience, it happened probably at least once with
every filetype I've worked with. Just off the top of my head, it
happened yesterday in a JSP file, and later in a Perl file. And it seems
to happen a lot in HTML files.
Well, I see a number of "syn sync" statements in syntax/html.vim, so Claudio Feiner has certainly tried to help out with this. Nick Hibma with perl, too. syntax/jsp.vim doesn't have any synchronization; probably the htmlTag and jspCommand regions therein could use them. Contact Rafael Garcia-Suarez about it.

On your end, you could increase your syn sync minlines parameter (see :help syn-sync-minlines).

Chip Campbell

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