Robert Webb wrote:

> Some more suggestions that are probably too late for this release:

Yes, just a few days before a release I hestitate to make changes.  It's
very easy to have a last minute change cause troubles.

> - From the help: "The 'omnifunc' option is set by filetype plugins"
>   Why is 'omnifunc' always empty for me?  I've tried this with .h,
>   .cpp, and .html files.

Perhaps you are using older runtime files?  It works fine for me.

> - Can omni-completion also be used when jumping to tags?  Eg if I put
>   my cursor on the "G" in "p->GetIndex()" there may be lots of
>   "GetIndex" tags to choose from.  Couldn't the omni completion stuff
>   be used to recognise the type of "p" and go to the most appropriate
>   tag?

Nice idea.  The completion mechanism for C uses tags, but for Python,
for example, it's totally different.  Thus this would be a completely
separate thing.  Perhaps some functions (for figuring out the type)
could be shared.  Since this is all in Vim script it can be done with a
mapping, I don't see a reason to implement it inside Vim.

> - I'd like to be able to put whatever name I want on the tabs.  There
>   doesn't seem to be a way to do this.  'guitablabel' is an option
>   *shared* by all tabs, so I can't set one tab to "Work" and another to
>   "Play" for example, and can only set them to different names if the
>   names are based on their files etc.  All I want to do is set the
>   name of each tab to a fixed string.

Set a tab page local variable and use that in 'guitablabel'.

> - Why have both 'tabline' and 'guitablabel'?  At least 'guitablabel'
>   should work in the text-version too when 'tabline' is not set.

'tabline' is for the text form, 'guitablabel' is for GUI tabs.  I don't
see how it could work differently without causing a great mess when
switching from console to GUI with a ":gui" command.  You would get
console highlight stuff in your GUI labels.

> - When I heard vim now had tabs, the first thing I tried was ":tab".
>   It was the obvious first guess at creating a new tab without looking
>   up the help.  Now I know looking in the help doesn't take so long,
>   but the less you have to do it and the more obvious the commands the
>   better.  How about when :tab has no arguments after it, it opens a
>   new tab, rather than just doing nothing?  It also provides a
>   slightly shorter and easier to remember way to create a new tab.

You need to read at least a bit of the documentation to use Vim
features.  I think it's good that ":tab" by itself does nothing instead
of something you didn't expect or even irreversabel.

> - I previously said that I was disappointed to see that under
>   Windows2000 the tab-line was text rather than GUI.  I have since
>   discovered the "e" fplag for 'guioptions'.  Since I set 'guioptions'
>   in my _vimrc, and there was no "e" flag before, I didn't get the GUI
>   tab line by default.  Wouldn't it make more sense to have a special
>   flag that indicates to NOT use the GUI-version of the tab line?
>   That is by far the less common setting, and would give users new to
>   version 7 the behaviour they would expect, ie use the GUI where
>   possible.

I don't like a mix of positive and negative flags.  It's so much simpler
to say that something is enabled when the flag is there.

> - In options.txt it says:
>   "The GUI tabs are only supported on some systens, currently only for
>   GTK."
>   But clearly this is working on Windows too.

I just updated that text yesterday.  This was all added quite late.

> - The :sort command is great.  Would be good to have an "s" option to
>   ignore white space.

Ignore it in what way?  If you want to ignore leading white space you
can use:

        :sort /\s*/

BLACK KNIGHT: The Black Knight always triumphs. Have at you!
   ARTHUR takes his last leg off.  The BLACK KNIGHT's body lands upright.
BLACK KNIGHT: All right, we'll call it a draw.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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