Alexey Froloff wrote:

> I think new highlight groups (Spell*, Pmenu*, etc) should be
> listed somewhere in version7.txt.  Not all colorschemes support
> new vim features ant it's unclear for users how to change color
> of "that ugly magenta square".  The point is to list all new
> groups in one place with links do detailed explanations.

OK, I'll list them:

New highlight groups: ~

Pmenu                   Popup menu: normal item |hl-Pmenu|
PmenuSel                Popup menu: selected item |hl-PmenuSel|
PmenuThumb              Popup menu: scrollbar |hl-PmenuThumb|
PmenuSbar               Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar |hl-PmenuSbar|

TabLine                 tab pages line, inactive label |hl-TabLine|
TabLineSel              tab pages line, selected label |hl-TabLineSel|
TabLineFill             tab pages line, filler |hl-TabLineFill|

SpellBad                badly spelled word |hl-SpellBad|
SpellCap                word with wrong caps |hl-SpellCap|
SpellRare               rare word |hl-SpellRare|
SpellLocal              word only exists in other region |hl-SpellLocal|

CursorColumn            'cursorcolumn' |hl-CursorColumn|
CursorLine              'cursorline' |hl-CursorLine|

MatchParen              matching parens |pi_paren.txt| |hl-MatchParen|

If Pacman had affected us as kids we'd be running around in dark rooms,
munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
                       -- Marcus Brigstocke

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