Robert Webb wrote;

> I'm still finding the ^P/^N behaviour in insert mode kind of annoying.
> I just did something like this:
>     - Edit a file with the text "numMatches" in it.
>     - Type "numMb" and hit ^P.
>     - It's a typo so no matches come up.  In the meantime vim starts
>       madly searching through header files in the background.
>     - Hit <BS>, then "a" to give the text "numMa".
>     - Now it should find the right match.  Vim still seems to be
>       searching in the background.  Is it supposed to find the correct
>       match now straight away?  It doesn't.  Or is it up to me to hit
>       ^P again?
>     - If I hit ^P again, nothing happens.  I can repeatedly hit it and
>       no matches are found and no menu appears (note: all this is
>       still while vim is searching in the background).  In 6.3 this
>       would have given me the right match.
>     - So instead I try ^N.  Now a menu appears with my original text
>       ("numMa") and the match I want ("numMatches"), but no matter how
>       many times I hit ^N it just stays stuck on the first item which
>       was my original text!  It's stuck again in a similar way to what
>       I described in another email.
> What is supposed to happen when you hit <BS> then hit another letter
> during completion mode?

What version are you using?  I fixed a problem with <BS> just before
sending out Vim 7.

> I still think ^N/^P should wrap around the matches found so far while
> bim is searching in the background.

I didn't look into this, it's too complicated to fix just before a

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