Martin Stubenschrott wrote:

> I am using vim7 final, and have this problem:
> Let's assume this buffer (between the quotes):
> "
> this
> that
> "
> Now i start inserting 'th' and press ctrl-n and get a popup menu with
> two choices 'this' and 'that', while the inserted text still remains
> 'th' (I am using completeopt=longest,menu,preview).
> Now I decide to keep on writing since I don't want neither 'this' or
> 'that', and write let's say 'thus'.
> After that I press 'esc', and a '.' to repeat the insertion.
> But now I get 'thusus' instead of just 'thus'.

That is a bug.  I'll see if it can be fixed without breaking something

"A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory."
                             -- Steven Wright

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