Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
Hello, Tony!

I've had several folks having a problem with WinXP and netrw. The problems seem to involve temporary files during attempts to use ftp; since temporary filenames are produced by tempname(), they're o/s dependent. Admittedly without having searched the source, I figure that these temporary files are in fact produced by the C function tmpnam() -- hmm, I did just do that search, and tmpnam() is used. Since that's a C-library function, these temporary files are presumably not only o/s dependent but compiler dependent.

I generally compile my own vim using cygwin+gcc for Windows. I've never seen the problems these folks are having. So, last night I downloaded a copy of your compiled vim (7.0aa, perhaps patched to 213? - I don't recall exactly). I also installed my latest netrw, and used it in a "dos" (cmd.exe) window, and furthermore used "vim -u NONE" (also, set nocp and :so ..path-to-netrwPlugin.vim). I was hoping to finally see these problems, but I still was able to do remote browsing, read&write and Nread&Nwrite without any problems.

So, have you had any issues with remote browsing/ftp with netrw? Do you have any suspicions as to what the problem might be? What compiler do you use?

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

Sorry, Dr. Chip, I can't help you there so I'm referring you to the vim-dev list:

1. As a rule, I don't edit over ftp, I edit my files locally and, when I'm satisfied with the result, I upload them with any available ftp client. If I want to make sure that my files "look all right", I browse them with "my favourite web browser" (both locally with file: and remotely with http: or ftp; )

2. At the moment, my Windows computer is in the Netherlands for repairs (which will cost me almost 250 € including postage and handling), I'm on Linux at the moment. This also explains why my Vim builds for Windows have been "temporarily" discontinued -- no ETA when (if ever) I'll be able to resume them.

About the computer I use: my (now broken-down) Windows computer was a laptop with WinXP 5.1.2600 SP2 and the same vim & gvim as those I used to distribute; I compiled my latest Vim versions for native-Windows using Cygwin gcc and src/Make_cyg.mak. Before that I had used Borland BCC32 but it proved inadequate for UTF-8 operation (even if only the data, not the filenames, were in UTF-8). My current computer is a desktop with Novell-SuSE Linux Professional 9.3 and (currently) gvim 7.0.017, huge version for GTK+2 and static perl, ruby and TCL, compiled with gcc 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux). I don't feel that this vim executable is "good enough" for public distribution but I will readily help other Unix Vimmers to compile their own if they need help: it's even easier than on Windows. (For Windows, there is a HowTo on my web site.)

Creation and opening of a temporary zero-length file with a unique name in a given directory is a well-documented system call on Dos-like systems; I wouldn't expect it to be compiler-dependent since the OS explicitly provides it. (I'm not familiar with specific Windows calls but there is a Dos system call for it since Dos 3 or maybe earlier.)

If it works OK with your latest version of netrw, then maybe the trouble is that the version of netrw distributed with Vim 7.0 is _not_ the latest one? The "7.0 release" version I have here consists of:

$VIMRUNTIME/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim dated Oct. 27, 2005

$VIMRUNTIME/autoload/netrw.vim, version 98 dated May 02, 2006

$VIMRUNTIME/autoload/netrwFileHandlers.vim, version 8 dated May 01, 2006

$VIMRUNTIME/autoload/netrwSettings.vim, version 6 dated Mar 22, 2006.

I got my sources and runtimes over FTP (all 3 archives, unix+extra+lang -- so even patches for modules I don't need won't complain -- and 17 patches). For Vim 7.0aa, I used to download the "snapshot" zipfiles whenever I noticed a new one -- until my laptop ceased to work.

Best regards,

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