> dear
>   sir
> Thank you very much for your support.
> I am panasonic corporate information systens company (china).I want to know
> whether vim is free to use.If not i want to bay vim in china.
> please tell me where to bay and how much .
> Thanks & Regards
> 马培佳
> TEL:(010)65582386-8556    13501032052
> FAX:(010)65832430
> 松下电器(中国)有限公司
> Panasonic Corporation Of China
> 地址:中国北京市朝阳区光华路甲8号和乔大厦C座7层
> 邮编:100026
1. Vim can be used freely under the Vim License. It can be downloaded in
source form from the official Vim site ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/ . Some
binary distributions are also available from the same site but they are
not updated as bugfixes are published. Steve Hall distributes a bugfixed
Windows installer, see http://cream.sourceforge.net/vim.html (I
recommend installing version 7.0.017 which is the current "released"
version). See also my HowTo pages if you want to compile Vim yourself
(it's not difficult):
http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm (for Windows)
and http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compunix.htm (for

2. Vim users are encouraged to make a voluntary donation to the Kibaale
Children Centre in Uganda, but that is at the users' discretion, nothing
is required.

3. Users can also help Bram Moolenaar develop Vim by sponsoring/registering.

See (after starting Vim version 7):
:help license
:help sponsor
:help register

Best regards,

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