On 7/7/06, Sean Reifschneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 11:35:41AM +0300, Yakov Lerner wrote:
>On 7/7/06, Sean Reifschneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>What I'm really looking for is that when I paste using the mouse, that
>>"paste" is set.
>How about this
>:map <MiddleMouse> :set paste<cr>"*p:set nopaste<cr>
>and similar thing for imap

I believe that's what vim does when you do "set mouse".  I would like to be
able to do that when I do not have "set mouse", based on number of
characters in the input buffer, or characters read in the last 100ms or

It's interesting idea to detect paste from mouse when 'set mouse' is
empty based on the size of typeahead buffer. I don't want to
disappoint you. But I believe there is no possibility to automatically
do something based on number of character in the input buffer.

It would probably be useful to tell vim to react only to
MiddleMouse and ignore all other mouse events. This might be
possible by setting 'set mouse=' to nonempty and then redefining
all mouse events except <MiddleMouse> to <nop>s. This might
lead you to what you want. To see mouse events that you'll
need to redefine: :help <*Mouse<tab>

If you insist on having 'set mouse' empty, then I believe
you're left with one of the following:

1) just ':set paste', or
2) :set nocindent indentexpr= indentkeys= nosmartindent=
3) or some mapping like map <f5> :set paste!<cr>
or some one-key mapping to (2)

I personally use (2): absolutely no autoindenting.


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