
this patch sets the close button state according to "Indicating
Changes With the Close Button"  in the Apple HIG ( http://
OSXHIGuidelines/XHIGWindows/chapter_17_section_3.html ).

I haven't tried it but it's good to try to make Vim look like other Mac

The implementation is rather brute force.

I'll try to improve it. I like to add proxy icons as well (see above link too), which deprecates this patch anyways. A proxy icon is a small icon of the current document (ie. active buffer in active tab) in the windows toolbar which you can drag to other programs (for example, to create a link to an opened file, drag its proxy icon to some folder in the finder). You can Command-click the proxy icon to display the path to the current document as well. When the current file isn't saved, the proxy icon is deactivated because it's not predictable for the user what happens when you drag the icon.

Sadly, you call the same function to change the close button and to (de)activate the proxy icon, which doesn't work well with multidocument windows. I looked at several other mac text editors; they all set the close button to the "document was modified" state when the active document was modified (to keep the proxy icon for unmodified buffers activated when such a buffer is selected). I will try to add this behaviour to mac vim as well (but it will take me some time, currently I'm busy with exams :-| ).

Bye & sorry for the long mail,

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