Patch Unofficial
Problem:    Menu and toolbar: Doesn't display properly when using
zh_CN.GBK encoding under Linux.
Solution:   Use gb2312 to generate the menu and toolbar to get proper
display, then use cp936 instead of GBK which is a correct alias under
Files:      runtime/menu.vim

*** runtime/menu.vim  2006-04-18 06:06:31.000000000 +0800
--- ../    2006-08-09 16:21:03.000000000 +0800
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,56 ----
     " same menu file for them.
     let s:lang = substitute(s:lang, 'iso_8859-15\=$', "latin1", "")
     menutrans clear
+     if s:lang == "zh_cn.gbk" || s:lang == "zh_cn.gb18030"
+         set enc=gb2312
+     endif
     exe "runtime! lang/menu_" . s:lang . ".vim"

     if !exists("did_menu_trans")
*** 1094,1097 ****
--- 1097,1104 ----
 let &cpo = s:cpo_save
 unlet s:cpo_save

+ if s:lang == "zh_cn.gbk" || s:lang == "zh_cn.gb18030"
+   set enc=cp936
+ endif
 " vim: set sw=2 :

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