On 9/3/06, Ilya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yakov Lerner wrote:
> On 9/2/06, Ilya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I have a question regarding syntax matching.  I have some kind of syntax
>> and I have some solution to highlight it, but it does not work the way I
>> expect it to.
>> What I want:  match syntax that consists of blocks (enclosed in {}),
>> strings (enclosed in "") and identifiers (starts with ${ and ends with
>> }).  Block end should also end any string that starts inside this block.
>> My solution:
>> :syn cluster Top contains=Block,String,Identifier
>> :syn region Block start=+{+ end=+}+ keepend extend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> :syn region String start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=Identifier
>> :syn region Identifier start=+\${+ end=+}+ extend
>  Your 'keepend' option clearly causes '}' which is end of
> identifier to terminate the enclosing block, in full accordance
> with :help syn-keepend.
No, it does not because of an extend option. Here is a picture (I've
already included it in my previous mail):
{ "string ${var} string" }
B - Block region
S - String region
I - Identifier region

I got this information using synID function.
>  If I read ':help syn-keepend' right, then 'keepend' does not
> allow a region on which it is used to have proper subregions.
Except for 'extend' regions.  That is why Block is 'keepend' and 'extend'.

What if  'extend'  can override only the 'keepend' of only
immediately enclosing region ? The example in :help syn-extend
only has examlpe of overriding 'keepend' of immediately containing
region. Does not say whether 'extend' acts all the way up
the stack of enclosing regions.


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