Rodolfo Borges wrote:
When I use the :Explore or :Sexplore command,
the cursor could be positioned on the file I was just editing.

PS: why are the .h's positioned after the .o's by default?
I do know how to change it (removed the ".h$" from g:netrw_sort_sequence),
I'm just questioning what seems to me a non-sensible default,
since one don't edit the .o's, but do edit the .h's a lot.

*.h are "header" files, they contain no code but only protocols, defines, and such. They shouldn't change much over time, or at least much less than *.c or *.cpp "source code" files. I agree that it doesn't make much sense to list them after *.bak and *.o but before *.info, *.swp and *.obj. It might make sense to list them either immediately before or immediately after * (i.e., anything not mentioned in netrw_sortsequence), or else, as you do, interspersed with them.

Best regards,

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