Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

In (g)vim 7.0.90, when I try to invoke the help, let's say

    :help :help

the program hangs; and when I finally hit Ctrl-C I get:

E426: tag not found: :[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Similarly for <F1>

E426: tag not found: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Running ":helptags" in the doc/ subdirectories of all 'rtp' directories
doesn't help.

I tried both vim and gvim 7.0.90, and didn't have the problem you're having.
ie.  :help :help
worked as expected.  (using Fedora Core 5/linux).

Chip Campbell

Then I wonder what went wrong. I rebooted and still got it; recompiled (make reconfig) with --disable-nls (in configure) and -multi_lang (by commenting away #define FEAT_MULTI_LANG in feature.h) and still got it -- in both gvim and console vim.

Best regards,

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