Yakov Lerner wrote:

The biggest build size that exists now (the --with-features) is 'huge'.
This 'huge' still does not include interpreters.

What does public and Bram think about adding another build size
('extra-huge') that includes [all] interpreters ?
What is your feeback ?


Possible namings: 'all', 'jumbo', 'giant', 'everything', 'huge+interp',
                         'xxl', 'colossal', 'tremendous', 'gigantic',
                         'ohmygod', 'extra-huge'

My reasoning behind 'xxl' is this: current build sizes are {tiny,
small, normal, big, huge}.
'Big' is like  'large'. Thus 'huge' (next grade after big/large)
corresponds to 'xl'
(extra large). Then next grade after huge/xl is xxl. Then it is easy to
add xxxl, xxxxl, etc.

I don't think interpreters belong in a linear scheme tiny -> small -> normal -> large -> huge -> huge with interpreters.

After all, I suppose that one might want interpreters but not profiling, perl without python, ruby and TCL but not Scheme, etc. IMO inclusion/exclusion of interpreters should be independent of other features -- and therefore manual.

For Unix users who want the biggest Vim they can make with the installed software they have, there is a bash script on my Unix HowTo page http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compunix.htm which will "enable" everything in configure. Then configure will turn off any features for which the required software is not found. To use that script, copy it to the parent of your src/ directory, change the "compiled-by" line and anything else you want to change, and use the "source" (or ".") command in bash before running make ("make" will invoke configure if it hasn't yet been run; if you change the configure options or install/uninstall relevant software you should "make reconfig" in the src/ directory -- that will clear the configure cache, run configure, and then proceed to compile and link). Just giving the script's name at the prompt isn't enough because in that case, environment variables won't "stick".

For Windows users, my Windows HowTo explains how to do it but it isn't as straightforward as on Unix because configure isn't used on Windows: see http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compile.htm . In particular, Windows users who want to include interpreted languages must tell make by means of environment variables where the interpreters are found, what version they have, and that dynamic linking is desired. Also, on Windows a different makefile is used for each different compiler (MSVC, BCC32, Cygwin gcc, MinGW32 gcc, ...).

Best regards,

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