Mark Manning wrote:

First you have to have a lot of open and close braces ({{{{}}}}}). ..snip..

Ok. So the problem happens when you delete "sub b" and then hit the "dd" key to delete the blank line between "sub a"'s ending close brace and where "sub b"'s starting line was. When you do this VIM pops up onto the end of the brace for "sub a". The thing is, is that the cursor isn't _on_ the close brace - it is next to the close brace. So if you then do a "%" VIM pops to the middle of the file rather than to the open brace like it should do. (ie: Match braces.)

Like I said - it's not a terrible problem, it doesn't crash VIM, it's just a "what the heck!?" kind of thing and it took me a while to realize that I was not doing something myself wrong and that it had more to do with how VIM treated the deletion of the other line and where it put the cursor afterwards.


What does

 :echo &ve


Chip Campbell

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