Haakon Riiser wrote:

-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 is set on my gcc command-line without me having done anything special to get it.

Strange; it doesn't do that on my system.  Does it work if you
invoke ./configure without any extra arguments?

By the way, I noticed that your build also sets _LARGEFILE_SOURCE.
I didn't think this macro was needed, since all it does it enable
two extra functions, ftello() and fseeko(), which I assumed would
not make any difference in the tags issue.  Turns out that I was
wrong -- defining _LARGEFILE_SOURCE somehow fixed the problem.

Configure with no extra arguments will build a "Normal" version without Gnome and with no interpreters. Now that million-line file I spoke about is in UTF-8 and contains CJK characters mixed in with English text. A "Normal"-version Vim couldn't edit it because it would have no multi-byte editing support.

Hmm... Which version are you using?

- tiny, small, normal, large, big, huge? (I have huge)
- no GUI, Motif, Athena, NextAW, GTK1, GTK1 with Gnome, GTK2, GTK2 with Gnome? Or MacOsX without X11? And in the latter case, Motorola, Intel or Universal binary? (I have GTK2 with Gnome on Linux i386)

I suppose (rightly or wrongly) that one of Huge, GTK2 and Gnome (or something that is implied by them) is what turns on -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE and -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64

Best regards,

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