A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> I notice that the scripts autoload/pythoncomplete.vim and
> autoload/rubycomplete.vim terminate early and with error if the
> corresponding interface is not compiled-in. Is that intentional? I
> would expect to be able to _edit_ (for instance) a python script even
> on a Vim version which cannot _run_ python commands.
The script itself terminates, vim continues running. The python
completion and ruby completion scripts use introspection in the
interpreter to provide completion options. The interpreter is required
for their use. Vim will continue to run.
The requirement check can be found at the start of both of our files.

> Note: The ruby script mentions "Maintainer: Mark Guzman
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>". I'm not emailing that address.
I am the developer and maintainer of the script.

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