In the script below, where # and n are remapped,
n goes the wrong direction after #. To see:
   vim -u NONE bad.bim
   :so %
-- the last n goes forward. we expect it to move backward.

But when script is rewritten to the form #2, then n after # works
correcty.  Plain moving the 'silent! exe "norm!"...' out of the
function changes the behavior.

---------- bad.vim ----------------------------
" ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
:set nocp
nnoremap # :call Foo('#')<cr>
nnoremap n :call Foo('n')<cr>

func! Foo(cmd)
  silent! exe "norm! " . a:cmd

" test sequence: gg/ba<cr>nnn#n
" expected: last 'n' to go backwards
" actual  : last 'n' to go forward
Form 2 that works ok
--------------------- ok.vim -----------------------
" ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
:set nocp
nnoremap # :silent! exe "norm! #"<cr>
nnoremap n :silent! exe "norm! n"<cr>

" test sequence: gg/ba<cr>nnn#n
" expected: last 'n' to go backwards
" actual  : ok

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