Hey folks,

I have several questions about Jason Holt's mlock patch (http://www.lunkwill.org/src/vim_diffs/mlock.patch). Sorry if they're a bit loaded...

1. Has anyone successfully applied it to the current stable version of vim-7.0? I've applied it to the beta vim-7.0157 about a year ago and could run vim and :set mlock. But now I just downloaded the stable version of vim-7.0 and finished applying the mlock patch. After a configure and make, running vim and trying to :set mlock fails.

2. Does the mlock patch change all the necessary places that need to be changed in vim-7.0? Or are there other spots that need changing?

3. What would be the proper way to add the :set mlock command to vim-7.0 and making sure that the mlock code is actually called? Is there a standard way of adding new commands?


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