Martin Stubenschrott wrote:
I often want to complete full strings in quotes ("foo", 'bla',
`command bla blub`).

But for now, I really need to type all these things again and again. It
would be nice, if I could say "f<c-x>-<c-"> to complete full strings.
Or maybe also <c-x><c-'> for single qouted strings, and <c-x><c-`> for
`-quoted strings. Or maybe just one command to complete all strings, and
get from context, if we want to complete " ' or ` strings, depending on
what character is in front of <c-x><c-?>. "f<c-x><c-?> would complete "
quoted strings '<c-x><c-?> '-quoted and so on.


Note: It is not always easy to determine (except by relying on syntax groups, which can be mis-synchronized, unless we use ":syn sync fromstart" which can be unduly slow) whether a given occurrence of " or ' anywhere in the text "being copied from" is an opening or closing quote. Even « is an opening quote in French, closing in German, and vice-versa for ».

Best regards,

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