Hi All!

Here is a patch for make_mvc.mak file which is used to build Vim on Windows. 
The changes are the following:

1. I had to add "!undef NODEBUG" in one place to make debug configuration 
working as needed. Before this change the debug configuration did the same as 

2. /ZI (not /Zi) should be used in debug configuration. /ZI creates much more 
useful PDB - with just /Zi you will not be able to look at the values of 
variables which are currently in registers. Because of adding /ZI I had to 
remove /incremental:no from linker flags (don't know exact implications of this 
- probably it's good idea to still have it in release configuration).

3. I removed /nodefaultlib switch whenever possible. Having it is a bad idea by 
itself - often indicates a dangerous CRT mix. I removed /nodefaultlib to 
support Intel Compiler, in fact. Now I can use just command

nmake -f Make_mvc.mak ... CC=icl

to compile Vim with Intel Compiler. With /nodefaultlib it won't work, because 
Intel Compiler adds to object files information about additonal static library 
which executable need to link with. Of course, it can be solved by checking "if 
it's Intel Compiler then link with this addditional library", but avoiding 
/nodefaultlib is a good idea anyway.

Alexei Alexandrov

Attachment: Make_mvc.mak.diff
Description: Binary data

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