Bill McCarthy wrote:
On Mon 19-Feb-07 7:21am -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Works for me.

For me too.  BTW, Tony, I've never used :copen before - I
use :cw .  There look the same but the documentation doesn't
seem to indicate that they are the same.

What's the difference between :copen and :cwindow ?

":cwindow" closes an already-open qf window if the error list is empty; if not open, it opens it if the error list is nonempty. ":copen" opens the qf window, and makes it current if already open.

I rarely use ":copen", I prefer ":cnext" and ":cNext", with occasionally ":cfirst" and ":clast".

Best regards,
Republicans raise dahlias, Dalmatians and eyebrows.
Democrats raise Airedales, kids and taxes.

Democrats eat the fish they catch.
Republicans hang them on the wall.

Republican boys date Democratic girls.  They plan to marry Republican
girls, but feel they're entitled to a little fun first.

Democrats make up plans and then do something else.
Republicans follow the plans their grandfathers made.

Republicans consume three-fourths of the rutabaga produced in the USA.
The remainder is thrown out.

Republicans sleep in twin beds -- some even in separate rooms.
That is why there are more Democrats.
                -- The Official Rules, as compiled by Paul Dickson

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