John Wiersba wrote:
This appears to be a bug to me, but I want to check before filing a bug report. 
 I was unable to get any clarification on the vim mailing list.

Under cygwin, :e file* will match in a case-insensitive manner.  I believe this is wrong, 
since cygwin is emulating unix which is case-sensitive.  Other tools, like bash, default 
to case-sensitive globbing.  There is a bash option "nocaseglob" which allows 
bash to behave in a case-insensitive manner, but the default is unix-like.

I believe vim under cygwin used to do case-sensitve filename globbing, but
now it's doing it case-insensitively and I'd like to get it to revert
to the old behavior.

So, if there is a way to turn on/off case-sensitivity for :e file* globbing, 
then I would be happy to use it.  If this is a build-time bug in the way vim is 
being built under cygwin, I can correspond with the cygwin maintainers to get 
it fixed.  But, if neither of these apply, I will file a bug report/enhancement 
request for 1) adding an option to toggle case-sensitivity (a feature 
enhancement) and 2) making the default on cygwin be case-sensitive (a bug fix).

Thanks much!
-- John Wiersba

Is your cygwin bash set to case-sensitive globbing? If it isn't, set it in your bash startup scripts (including whatever is sourced when starting non-interactive shells), then check if the Vim problem is still there.

Best regards,
If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.
                -- Paul Beatty

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