Ian Tegebo wrote:

On 4/9/07, Nikolai Weibull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The manSubHeading is defined as

syn match  manSubHeading      "^\s\{3\}[a-z][a-z ]*[a-z]$"

This will, however, match more lines than I think is intended.  It
will, for example, match the line

\t  returns are what are recorded and compared with the data git keeps

where "\t" is a horizontal tabulation.  I'm guessing that the actual
regex should be

  ^ \{3\}[a-z][a-z ]*[a-z]$

I hope nobody minds if I take this opportunity to ask a question about
vim's pattern matching.

After reading |pattern| I wonder if the following is more efficient:

syn match manSubHeading '^ \{3\}\l\l\?\l$'


The pattern you've provided isn't matching the same thing.
The current one: start the line with exactly three spaces or tabs,
followed by a lower case character, followed by any number of
lower case characters or spaces, up to a lower case character
at the end-of-line.

 example:  <space><tab><space>aaaa aaa aaaaaa

Nikolai W's modifies that to "start the line with exactly three spaces"; the
rest is the same.

 example: <space><space><space>aaa aaaaaa aaa

Yours: start the line with exactly three spaces, followed by two or three
lower case characters, which then terminates the line.

 example: <space><space><space>aa

Do people find this to make a different for moderate file sizes, e.g.
the man page for 'less' being ~2000 lines?

Depends on the line lengths.  Your pattern would terminate quite
quickly on each line, as only 5 or 6 characters may be at the beginning
of matching lines; anything more is a mismatch.  The original and NW's
both examine the entire line; so if every line had 1GB of characters, these
two patterns would take considerably longer than yours.

Chip Campbell

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