Hi, all.

I have a patch to add SpiderMonkey interface to Vim.  This is not well
tested and have only few features.  But someone is interested in this.
(This is not proposal to add SpiderMonkey interface to Vim)


Usage: (On Windows)
1. Compile SpiderMonkey
  wget http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/js-1.60.tar.gz
  tar xzf js-1.60.tar.gz
  cd js\src
  nmake -f js.mak CFG="js - Win32 Release"

2. Compile Vim with if_spidermonkey
  svn co https://vim.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vim/vim7
  cd vim7
  patch -p1 < if_spidermonkey.diff
  cd src
  namke -f Make_mvc.mak USE_MSVCRT=yes GUI=yes SPIDERMONKEY=C:\tmp\js

3. Type :spidermonkey command
  :spidermonkey print("hello, JavaScript!")

see :help if_spidermonkey.txt

Yukihiro Nakadaira - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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