(dropping [EMAIL PROTECTED] from cc)

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 07:36:30PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > This indeed works strangely; for instance `make -jN' with
> > N > 1 works with freshly unpacked sources, but it breaks
> > completely after `make distclean' -- which one would expect
> > to get the source tree to the same state.
> Well, figure out why it breaks

The above report is incorrect, it just breaks always, I'm
sorry.  I probably run configure so automatically that I
accidentally made it work.

It breaks because make starts making `scratch', `config' and
`myself' simultaneously.  And that appears to be due to

  the first targets to make vim are: scratch config myself

As these targets overwrite the same files with different
content, it breaks one way or another.

Explicite configure bootstraps the build system and thus
makes -jN safe for normal compilation.

> and fix it...

Unfortunately my view of how a build system should work is
incompatible.  I can tell when something breaks and
hopefully I can figure out how it happens, but I have no
idea what fixed means here.



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