I need help to clean up a mess from my attempts to move a page.

As mentioned recently, I'm working on renaming many tips. I wanted to settle
the question whether a title can contain "C++", or whether we have to use
some work-around such as "Cpp" (we currently use "C PLUS PLUS").

In the move log, the three most recent entries show me working on tip 842.

The oldest relevant entry in the move log includes this info:

# 10:56, 29 September 2007 JohnBeckett
 C/c PLUS PLUS function abbreviations
   moved to 
 C/C++ function abbreviations
   (Try C++ in title to see if it works)

In other words, the move worked (and I saw a message saying it worked).

However, when I tried to access the new title, it did NOT work. I waited a
few minutes and saw that accessing the new title still did not work. Then I
attempted to move the page to a simpler title with no punctuation. Again,
that appeared to work. But I still had trouble accessing the page.

After waiting a couple of days, I have attempted some more stuff. I am not
getting any good results, so I'd better stop before I do more damage.

I can't find a URL that reliably opens the problem page. I tried encoding
'+' as %2B, etc, but got no good results.

We want the page to be called:
C/Cpp function abbreviations

We want the following redirect page to eventually point to the new title.
(I can do that, when the above is fixed).

There should be no other redirect pages pointing to the moved page (i.e.
please delete anything resulting from my attempted moves).


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