I use vim-latex-suite, and sometimes the indent is going wrong, I think it's
due to the way that commented line are used.

for this example :

\item ldsfkjlfj
\item dsflkjqlfj
% fsdqlkjflsdjql lfdskjfljsd

the indentation of \end{itemize} is wrong (with the default indent/tex.vim
from latex-suite we get :
    \item ldsfkjlfj
    \item dsflkjqlfj
% fsdqlkjflsdjql lfdskjfljsd

so here is a little patch for indent/tex.vim that will provide the right
solution I think :
which is in this case :

    \item ldsfkjlfj
    \item dsflkjqlfj
% fsdqlkjflsdjql lfdskjfljsd

(the comment line is indent more because of g_tex_indent_items, and I like

so the patch is adding this after line 81 of indent/tex.vim :
while lnum > 0 && getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*%'
    let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum-1)

it's extracted from tex.vim by charles campbell:
  " if the current line doesn't begin with a '%', use its indent
  " (ie. skip over preceding comment lines)

hope this help, and hope this will be in the next latex-suite version :D.

NB: the form here :
seems to work anymore.. (with google-chrome it doesn't works..)
- setog
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