Hi Till,

What about the following? I basically search for a pattern

"not backslash" + (even number of backslashes) + % + rest

Probably, removing \verb|| etc is not worth the trouble till users
face a problem...


============ vim solution ====================
" StripComments:  {{{
" Description:
function! StripComments(str)
    return substitute(a:str, '\\\@<!\(\\\\\)*\zs%.*', '', 'g')
endfunction " }}}

echo StripComments('This is a %comment')
echo StripComments('This is not a \%comment')
echo StripComments('This is a \\%comment')
echo StripComments('This is not a \\\%comment')
echo StripComments('This is a \\\\%comment')

=========== python solution =================
import re

re_comment = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)((\\\\)*)%.*')
def strip_comments(instr):
    print re.sub(re_comment, r'\1', instr)

strip_comments(r'This is a %comment')
strip_comments(r'This is not a \%comment')
strip_comments(r'This is a \\%comment')
strip_comments(r'This is not a \\\%comment')
strip_comments(r'This is \a %comment')

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Till Maas <opensou...@till.name> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 07:03:05AM +0000, Jan Larres wrote:
>> I recently found another small bug with the BibTeX completion. If there
>> is a commented out \bibliography{} command before the actual one,
>> latex-suite erroneously tries to use the commented out one. In my case
>> this led to completion not working because the commented out command
>> referred to a non-existing file.
>> Since there was a BibTeX example posted recently, you can just reuse
>> that and insert a line like
>> %\bibliography{doesnotexist}
>> before the existing \bibliography{} command.
> Yes, I can reproduce this. Does someone maybe new a good way to always
> strip "%"-style comments from a line in a tex file? Currently there are
> afaics several different approaches with regexes in vim-latex, therefore
> I would like to have one way I can use everywhere. It is not just
> everything since a %-sign to the end of the line, as you can see in
> these examples:
> %comment
> this is \%not a comment
> this is \\%again a comment
> this is \\\%not a comment anymore
> Also I am not sure about verbatim-environments and the \verb command,
> but maybe there will always be some cases, where it does not work.
> Regards
> Till
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