On 2010-03-23, Udo Hortian <udo_hort...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> Normally I compile my LaTeX documents with latex, but some I need to
> compile with pdflatex. I would like to store this setting in the .tex
> file like one can store other vim specific settings like the following:
> /* ex: set tabstop=8 expandtab: */
> I would like to set TTarget this way, but this seems not to be possible.
> Or am I missing some possibility here?

According to

    :help modeline

Vim allows only certain options to be set in a modeline, for
security reasons.

Here's something you might try.

Put one of the following lines at the bottom of each of your .tex

% TTarget latex


% TTarget pdflatex

Put the following in your ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim file.

    let compiler = matchstr(getline("$"), '^% TTarget \zs.*')
    if compiler != ''
        " Execute whatever command will set TTarget according to the
        " value of compiler.  I don't understand vim-latex-suite
        " well enough to know what goes here.


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