Dear Dennis,

now I got your point, surely i have explained me very bad, sorry.
Application's messages doesn't appears in a quick-fix windows, but in
the X. I don't know how to explain it better, here is a snapshot
window [0], and here is another moving the cursor half window down [1]

Thank you again,


2010/4/13 LAG Grimminck <>:
> Dear Gaston,
> As you wish... My suggestion would be to remap \lv to \lv :cclose in
> your .vimrc file. I did not have time to test it. But It should do the
> \lv and then close the quickfix-window immediately that shows your
> warning messages.
> cheers,
> Dennis
> On 04/12/2010 08:30 PM, Gastón Araguás wrote:
>> Dear Dennis,
>> thank you for your hints, like you say it is not very elegant to
>> trough out messages instead off solving the problem, but if you want
>> to do that you can run the application in a terminal and solve each
>> error or warning you get.
>> Wen i run a viewer from vim I don't want to see application's messages.
>> still looking for a solution...
>> Gastón
>> 2010/4/12 LAG Grimminck <>:
>>> Dear Simon,
>>> Okular probably has some 'watch file'  option running. Till now I have
>>> not found any viewer that did not have some problem with keeping the
>>> document up-to-date, for example gv performs well but if the document is
>>> long it cannot update the page you are looking at and it will display a
>>> page further back in the document. I finally settled on using acroread
>>> with ctrl+r to update my document this works nicely. So my guess would
>>> be that to solve your problem you could search for this 'watch file'
>>> option, disable it and find a set of keys to update the viewer manually.
>>> hope this helps,
>>> Dennis
>>> On 04/12/2010 09:57 AM, Simon Quittek wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> well, that is not always the case.
>>>> If I type \lv and open okular to view the pdf, everything is allright. Then
>>>> I hit \ll to compile and while compiling, okular looks for the nonexistent
>>>> pdf and produces error messages, which remain in vim.
>>>> I just start okular seperately and browse through the latest files to
>>>> circumvent the problem. It's not the best tough...
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Simon
>>>> On 2010/04/12 8:34,LAG Grimminck <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Gaston,
>>>>> You may want to try to solve the problems the viewer apparently has,
>>>>> before trying to fix things further down the stream. My viewer always
>>>>> starts without any messages.
>>>>> cheers,
>>>>> Dennis
>>>>> On 04/09/2010 09:06 PM, Gastón Araguás wrote:
>>>>>> hi all,
>>>>>> first at all i want  to say that vim-latexsuite is a wonderful plugin
>>>>>> to me. Just a little problem with the pdf viewer, wen  i run the
>>>>>> viewer with <Leader>lv all warnings and errors from viewers (xpdf or
>>>>>> evince) are printed in the screen where vim is running. Wen I swap to
>>>>>> vim I have to repaint the window (with CTRL-F plus CTRL-B for example)
>>>>>> to see the tex code again.
>>>>>> Running the viewer directly from vim ( :!evince file.pdf) got the same
>>>>>> behavior, it is only avoided with  :!evince file.pdf &>/dev/nul &
>>>>>> Is there any way to avoid this, for example introducing this command
>>>>>> in  tex.vim?
>>>>>> I've try with let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'evince $  &>/dev/null&' without 
>>>>>> luck.
>>>>>> Thank in advanced
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>>> --
>>> Dennis LAG Grimminck
>>> PhD student
>>> Molecular and Biophysics /
>>> Solid State NMR
>>> Heyendaalseweg 135
>>> Nijmegen
>>> Desk: near HG 03.305
>>> phone: +31 24 3652324 email: 
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> --
> Dennis LAG Grimminck
> PhD student
> Molecular and Biophysics /
> Solid State NMR
> Heyendaalseweg 135
> Nijmegen
> Desk: near HG 03.305
> phone: +31 24 3652324 email: 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs
> proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance.
> See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
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Gastón Araguás
CIII - Centro de Investigación en Informática para la Ingeniería
Univ. Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Córdoba. Argentina

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