Hy, I report here your first email and the email you send to me to make more 

First email send to mailing-list:
> Hello,
> I tried to use inverse search with vim-latex. But I couldn't use this
> function with okular or xdvi.
> With the old version, I can use xdvi with inverse search by set
> let g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi="xdvi -editor 'gvim --servername latex-suite --remote-
> silent'"
> and run gvim with
> "gvim --servername latex-suite --remote-silent"
> In the new version, this won't work, I have tried to set
> let g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi="xdvi -editor 'gvim --servername gvim --remote-silent'"
> (both forward search (with "\ls") won't work)
> or
> let g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi="xdvi" (inverse search won't work.).
> I am more inclined to use okular. So I tried to solve this with okular.
> When I set "let g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi = 'okular'". It didn't work.
> So I read the source file compiler.vim, and found that kdvi was obsolete. I
> replaced all "kdvi" with "okular", and change
> let execString = 'silent! !okular --unique
> file:'.mainfnameRoot.'.dvi\#src:'.line('.') .expand("%")
> to
> "let execString = 'silent! !okular --unique
> '.mainfnameRoot.'.dvi\#src:'.line('.').expand("%")
> I can use okular with forward and backward search now?
> I want to how to solve this with xdvi.
> Kenneth

You write to me:
> Please See my email "inverse search with xdvi and okular"
> I solved this with okular, but no luck with xdvi, the solution is similar to
> yours.
Is your compiler.vim patched with my patch or with your?

In my vim-latex version (from fedora):
$ rpm -q vim-latex

I can make forward search with \lv and \ls with my patch and using just this 
rule in vimrc:
let g:tex_flavor='latex'
let g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi='latex -src-specials -interaction=nonstopmode $*'
let g:Tex_ViewRuleComplete_dvi="xdvi -editor 'vim --servername test --remote'"
I start a new vim session with this:
$ vim --servername test
Than I open my dvi file from vim. The inverse search work, I can see my source 
in new vim 
session just opened.
Mario Santagiuliana

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