Den 4. mai 2010 kl. 02.05 skrev Vijay Kaul:
> Den 2. mai 2010 kl. 15.14 skrev iustifico:
>> Am 02.05.2010 um 00:12 schrieb Dan Michael Olsen Heggø:
>>> Den 1. mai 2010 kl. 22.51 skrev iustifico:
>>>> I tryed the tutorial to get in touch with latex-suite. When I was in the 
>>>> position **** in the example below I typed "e^^" like in the tutorial 
>>>> suggested. To get e^{x}.
>>>> But after hitting "^^" this appeared: e^{}<++>}<++>}<++>
>>> What vim version/variant do you use on what os? On my Mac, I get the same 
>>> problem as you with MacVim, but I get the correct behaviour with Vim in 
>>> Terminal. Both vim 7.2. 
>> I am using VI Improved 7.2 on MacOS Snow Leopard (latest version). I tried 
>> it now in the Terminal and it works fine. We seem to have the same issues.
> I can't seem to get the problem to reproduce in Vim or MacVim... Steps to 
> reproduce?

To reproduce, just type "e^^" in insert mode in a tex-document.... but I just 
discovered that it depends on the keyboard layout. I can reproduce this with my 
Norwegian keyboard layout (and many other European ones), but I get the correct 
behaviour with a US keyboard layout. So this has to do with the caret key 
acting differently with different keyboard layouts. On many European keyboard 
layouts, it's main role is as a diacritical mark, so after typing it, the 
character is actually highlighted until the next character is typed.

Since everything works fine in Terminal, I think this is more a MacVim issue 
than a Vim-Latex one. If you define you'r own mappings with carets, they will 
have the same problems (I tried ":imap ^^ hello"). I will file a MacVim bug on 
this, but I guess macros with the caret key are generally troublesome with 
these kinds of keyboard layouts. 
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