Hello Kay!

> Message de Kay Smarczewski: mar 29/06/10, 21:22:36 +0200
> Have you tried snipMate? I use it to map some of my ALT Gr + xx keys
> to special unicode characters.

Thank you for this suggestion. I didn't know snipmate, it looks
pretty powerful. But it doesn't seem to be really devoted to LaTeX
macros and unicode characters. I don't want to add NEW shortcuts
to access SOME mathematical unicode characters. I want to access EVERY
mathematical symbol just by typing the USUAL (for me) corresponding
LaTeX macro, not even followed by <TAB> (as snipmate requires) nor
anything special. With other words I want to continue typing LaTeX as
I always did, it's only what I SEE in vim that I want to change. 

There are several vim scripts devoted to this goal, and the best I
found is undoubtedly unilatex.vim. It just requires some improvement
to fit my taste, like using IMAP instead of imap, that's all.

> I use the ucs (mathletters) package in LaTex. So LaTex can compile
> UTF-8 characters. This is just a workaround for missing unicode
> support. But it works for me.

On their web site it is written:

    Due to time restrictions, I am not able to maintain this package
    anymore. New maintainer welcome.

This is typically the kind of problem which makes me very shy on using
special LaTeX packages. It happens also that some LaTex files are
rejected by preprint servers when they require non standard packages. 

But most of all I DO LIKE that latex files remain plain ascii.
It's only when I'm working on them that I would like to see symbols
instead of macros, otherwise I think it's safer to keep this kind of
files in plane ascii. 

Some of my colleagues used inputenc simply to type french accented
characters directly in their latex files, but when the default
encoding of our system moved from latin1 to utf-8 they experienced
some problems: typically they copy and paste between old an new files
--not with vim, which deals pretty well with this-- resulting in some
cases in completely unrecoverable files where every accented character
is replaced by a question mark (this happened to a friend of mine with
a document which was something like 100 pages long… he was furious!).

And eventually I want to be able to share my LaTeX sources with
foreign colleagues without wondering which encoding is used and which
package are available in their system. 

Thanks again for your kind interest but actually my question
concerned IMAP, not really what I want to use it for.  

Best regards, 

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