On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 5:37 AM, ozhan fenerci <o_fene...@yahoo.com.tr> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I am using vim-latex suite for my writing in Latex. I would like to use it 
> for not only tex docs but also other formats such as Sphinx. My questions:
> 1) How to load vim-latex suite for files written in Sphinx (say that, my file 
> has extension like " myfile.rst")
> 2) I would like to use IMAP() and placeholder  functionality of vim-latex 
> (and its place holder functionality)  for some shortcuts for such as " 
> :math:`x^2` " in Sphinx, which is equivalent $x^2$ in Latex. For example, 
> whenever I write 'MM' in file, I want it  to refer a shortcut to ":math:` 
> placeholder`"
> In general, it would be great to extend vim-latex functionality to docs 
> written in other formats.
> Best Regards,
> Ozhan

Hi Ozhan,

It sounds like you don't necessarily want to load all of it.  I made a
simple plugin with IMAPs for C/C++ and HTML code.  The gist of it is listed
below.  These are ripped from my ~/.vim/ftplugin/c.vim.

Hope this helps.  I may upload my plugins to github or something, but I'll
have to be careful about license stuff first.


    " get access to IMAP()
    runtime plugin/imaps.vim

    " SafeLet comes from latex-suite (vim-latex)
    " SafeLet: checks for value before giving default value {{{
    " Description: The function takes in a single argument and splits it into 2
    "              parts, the first being the first <CWORD> found. this is taken
    "              as a variable name and the next part is assigned to it
    "              depending on whether the variable already exists or not.
    "              handles the case where the next part is quoted or not.
    "              All these calls work:
    "                   CLet g:varname = 1
    "                   CLet g:varname = '1'
    "                   CLet g:varname = 'foo bar'
    "                   CLet g:varname = "foo\nbar"
    "                   CLet g:varname = foo bar
    function! <SID>SafeLet(arg)
        let name = matchstr(a:arg, '^\s*\zs\(\S\+\)\ze\s*=')
        let value = matchstr(a:arg, '=\s*\zs.*\ze')
        let value = substitute(value, '\s*$', '', '')
        if !exists(name)
            if value =~ "^'\\|^\""
                    exec "let ".name." = ".value
                    exe "let ".name." = value"
    com! -nargs=+ CLet :call <SID>SafeLet(<q-args>)

    CLet g:C_leader = '`'
    " We need funny placeholders so code indentation works right.
    CLet b:Imap_PlaceHolderStart = ";<"
    CLet b:Imap_PlaceHolderEnd = ">;"

    " real plugin has more of these
    CLet g:C_idiom_if = "if (<++>) {\<cr><++>\<cr>}<++>"

    " make the IMAPs
    function! s:IMAPs (ft)
        call IMAP ('if(', g:C_idiom_if, a:ft)
        call IMAP ('if()', g:C_idiom_if, a:ft)
        " etc.

    " make the IMAPs for both C and C++ filetypes
    if !exists ('s:sourced_imaps')
        let s:sourced_imaps=1
        call s:IMAPs ('c')
        call s:IMAPs ('cpp')

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