I have just installed TexLive-2016 and vimlatex. All right, except that 
I was trying to find a good system to synchronize LaTeX source and PDF 
viewer. For some reasons, the system that I found here:


does not work now. I still use the old configurations files, so I cannot 
understand what's wrong.

Anyway, zathura does a good job with old files accompanied by a 
*filename.synctex.gz* file, but nothing happens with the new projects.

I tried to configure both

let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'zathura'


let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'zathura -x "gvim --servername synctex -n 
--remote-silent +\%{line} \%{input}"'

evince does not work either.

Thank you for your kind help. Incidentally, I was wondering if the 
installation instructions could be updated -- at least for (x)ubuntu 
they do not work and the installation must be performed differently.

guido (italy)
Guido Milanese
Professor of Classics, Docteur HC Paris ICP

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