Hi, Mirko,

 thank you for your reply. Having explored the two hints you suggested,
first I think you are right that the synctex option should only be
preceded by a single dash; that is in agreement with the man page. I do
not know exactly why the double dash was there; someone has advised me
this line a long time ago, but I cannot exclude I later accidentally added
a second dash without noticing. So I have fixed this in my .vimrc file.

As for the debugging procedure, I have done as you advised, and the result
is the following:

comp : +Tex_RunLaTeX, b:fragmentFile = 0
comp : Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling to target [pdf]
comp : Tex_RunLaTeX: getting dependency chain = [pdf]
comp : +Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget: setting target to [pdf] for Compiler
comp : Tex_RunLaTeX: setting target to pdf
comp : Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling file multiple times via Tex_CompileMultipleTimes
comp : Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: latex run number : 1
comp : Tex_CompileLatex: getting mainfname = [NbN-ver1.tex] from 
comp : Tex_CompileLatex: execing [make! NbN-ver1.tex]
comp : Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: errors = []
comp : Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: Ran latex 1 time(s)
comp : Tex_RunLaTeX: errlist = [
 1:  ]
comp : Tex_SetupErrorWindow: mfnlog = NbN-ver1.log
comp : -Tex_RunLaTeX

I was not able to find any suspicious message there. The .bbl file is
still not updated when I recompile the main file after a change in the
order of references. It seems the Tex_CompileMultipleTimes procedure does
not notice there was a change in the .aux file.

 Otherwise, there is a workaround I found in some discussion list, which
consists in running
:!latexmk -pdf %

on the command line. This will update also the bibliography as one would wish, but, unfortunately, the produced pdf file then does not support the inverse search feature. At least it kind of proves BibTeX is functional. By the way, also my forward search has problems, which is quite an old issue but off-topic here.

 Thank you for your effort,


On Tue, 23 Feb 2021, Mirko Hessel-von Molo wrote:

Dear Filip,

since noone else who is more competent than me seems to be here to answer, let 
us try it together.
I'm just an "ordinary vim-latexsuite user" with no particular experience in 
writing or debugging vim addons,
but let's see how far we get.

You could try adding

let g:Tex_Debug=1

to your vimrc file. This enables debugging function within latex-suite.
Then when a compilation run is done (and multiple compilation has not worked)
issue the command

:call Tex_PrintDebug()

within vim. What results does this give?

Besides, I'm a bit puzzled by the value given in your vimrc to the 
g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf variable.
Are you quite sure that it should read "--synctex=1" and not "-synctex=1" ? 
(Two dashes versus one?)

Best regards, Mirko

Am Freitag, den 19.02.2021, 16:56 +0100 schrieb Filip Kadlec:

Hello all,

since years, I have been using successfully the LaTeX suite under OpenSUSE Linux. Having configured the compilation to pdf format, it has always worked straightforwardly. Since recently, however, I have problems with the multiple compilation feature, described in part 6.3 of :h latex-suite.txt. In situations, where the required routine pdflatex - bibtex - pdflatex - pdflatex would be triggered automatically by a single compilation command, now only a single pdflatex compilation appears to
occur. This is obviously annoying.

In my ~/.vimrc, I have the following settings:

let g:tex_flavor='latex'

let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat='pdf' let g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats='pdf' let g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'okular --unique'
let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'pdflatex --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode 
-file-line-error $* -inverse-search "gvim --servername GVIM --remo
te +\%l \%f"'

I reused documents which I compiled earlier; currently, swapping some citations in the .tex file leads to a wrong order of their numbering in
the output pdf file if just a single compilation command is triggered.

I suspect the reason that the multiple compilation has stopped working is some update in texlive; or perhaps an update of vim-latex? Anyway, I
wonder how I can debug this problem. Any help would be appreciated.

By the way, since this forum has been quite inactive, I thought of posting
this elsewhere, but I am not sure what the best place would be.

        Best regards, Filip


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