* El 12/04/06 a las  8:53, Charles E Campbell Jr chamullaba:

> > >> I've always had some special highlighting for TeX
> > >>files. For example, I have the following syn for "$$":
> > >>
> > >>hi dollars cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 guifg=white guibg=blue
> > >>syn match dollars /\(\$\$\|\\\[\|\\\]\)/
> > >>     
> > >>
> > ...
> > But your (and Benji's) solution gives rise to another problem:
> > If I add containedin=ALL, or containedin=texDocZone, the "$$" 
> > are properly highlighted, but then 80% of the "}" in the 
> > manuscript are highlighted like errors, white over red (??!!).
> > 
> > Another problem that I have (but this one I always had) is that
> > the highlighting of the "$$" destroys the normal highlighting 
> > of the math zone, and errors appear inside the $$ ... $$. 
> > But I assume it has to do with the contained-contains stuff.
> > 
> > I tried, then:
> > 
> > hi dolares cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 guifg=white guibg=blue
> > syn match dolares contained /\(\$\$\|\\\[\|\\\]\)/ containedin=ALL
> > 
> > but, still, the two problems persist: 80% of the "}" are marked
> > as errors, and the syntax inside the $$ ... $$ is destroyed.
> > 
> > Do you have a suggestion? I really don't get how this works.
> > 
> > 
> Look into syntax/tex.vim.  The $$ ... $$ is recognized as a texMathZoneY 
> (normally).
> Now, your syntax item (dolares) occurs later, so it has priority; hence, 
> the texMathZoneY
> is bypassed by your extra syntax.
> What you've wanted is to change the  highlighting of $$.  Currently, the 
> texMathZoneY uses
> Delimiter for the highlighting of the $$s.  Now, I haven't tested this, 
> but one way to do this is
> to overwrite the texMathZoneY:
>  syn clear texMathZoneY
>   syn region texMathZoneY    matchgroup=Delimiter start="\$\$" 
> matchgroup=Delimiter end="\$\$" end="%stopzone\>"    keepend        
> This clears the texMathZoneY and then re-installs it.  It does have a 
> high priority (because its being done
> most recently) but I don't think that should be a problem.  Now, change 
> the "Delimiter" to "dolares".   Include
> your dolares highlighting specification.   Finally, put it into  
> after/syntax/tex.vim (so that it gets loaded after
> usual syntax/tex.vim highlighting for ft=tex files).  I think that'll do it!

Ok, motivated by what you said about the syntax folding, I solved
my problem, by adding this:

syn clear texDocZone
syn clear texSectionZone
syn clear texSubSectionZone
syn clear texSubSubSectionZone
syn clear texParaZone
syn clear texChapterZone

Now everything works fine (since I don't use syntax folding).
I think this somehow broke the containedin option.



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