Andre Massing schrieb:
> Benji Fisher schrieb:
>>On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 02:50:28PM +0200, "André Massing" wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>I defined an abbrevation :ab NK Newton-Kaskade , but to my surprise this
>>>abbrevation is not expanded in Insert Mode after typing <Space>, (but was
>>>expanded with <Tab> or <Esc>.) Actually it works properly only if I use iab
>>>NK Newton-Kaskade. This phenomena only occurs when I use gvim7 but neither
>>>in a terminal vim7 nor in any (gui or non-gui) prior version of vim (6.4.7).
>>>Is this a bug in gvim7?
>>     I cannot confirm this.  Did you check for conflicting abbreviations
>>and trailing spaces in the :ab command?
>>HTH                                   --Benji Fisher
> Yes I did, there were no other abbrevations and no trailing spaces. Actually I
> realizied that some problems occur with my settings  if I load an old session
> via source. Last time when I started with an old sessin, my textwidth were not
> recognized and although set tw? showed me the assigned value, vim did not 
> break
> any line automatically. But it broke lines with the gq command. Starting a new
> gvim7, everything worked fine (tw, abbrevations and so on).
> That seems rather strange to me. Any suggestions how I could investigate this
> problem since this phenomena prevents me from using sessions and forces me to
> remember and reopen all my files I had worked on (which is sometimes quite 
> hard
> for me :-) )
> Best wishes
> Andre

Okay, now I realized that there is no connection with my sourced session but
rather with some (LaTeX) files. So simply loading a (special) LaTeX File breaks
some settings (both in vim and gvim, version 6 and 7).


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