't' sound promising (you might want to add the below explanation or
something to the help file).

I'm trying to use the 't' key to funnel input to the  ":"  and "/"
prompt from inside a script.

I'm finding that using feedkeys() in conjunction with getchar() causes
Vim to hang in some loop:

let s:counter = 0
while 1
        let s:counter += 1
        echo "#" . s:counter . ":"
        let inp = getchar()

        if nr2char( inp ) != "" | let inp = nr2char( inp ) | endif

        if inp == "\<ESC>" | break | endif

        call feedkeys( inp, 't' )

In this example, it waits for the first char, and then after that
"getchar()" returns immediately with the first char you entered,
forever and ever and ...

On 4/25/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/25/06, Eric Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It isn't clear how the 't' mode is different from 'm'?  I thought the
> > point of feedkeys() was that all the keys were to be used as typed by
> > a user?
> The difference between 'm' and 'n' is like difference between
> :norm and norm!. Keys coming from :norm and from feedkeys(,'m')
> are remapped, but not treated same was as coming from interactive
> user. For example, completion will not trigger.
> With 't', keys work same way as if coming from interactive user.
> For example completion will work. :norm and mapping
> are not capable of triggering completions. (Keys from
> map-expansions are marked as "noninteractive" keys).
> Yakov

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