I systematically place a comment at the bottom of files that establishes tabular format:

/* vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */

and even in scripts and other files:

# This enforces this script's tab settings...
# /* vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: */

That way, the problem is solved for everyone who visits the file as long as they're using God's own editor.

Good luck,


P.S. I might be superstitious about keeping the C comment delimiters in the script file. Since it worked the first time I pasted it in, I have just never looked into whether it would work without them. Vim probably doesn't care; it's your file's consumer that needs the appropriate comment character.

mal content wrote:

I'm relatively new to VIM, I wondered if there was a
way to mimic the style used in the current file. I use
two spaces to indent my code (two real spaces, not
tab characters) but I know that many people use
real tabs. I would like to be able to automatically
mimic the style of the file that I am editing.

My current .vimrc:

"$Id: vimrc,v 1.6 2006/01/17 06:38:02 anm Exp $

:set textwidth=72
:set nowrap
:syntax on
:set hls
:set tabstop=2
:set noautoindent
:set expandtab
:set softtabstop=2
:set nomodeline
:set ruler
:set showcmd
:set encoding=utf-8

au FileType make setlocal noexpandtab
au Filetype Mkfile- setlocal noexpandtab
au FileType c,cpp,cxx setlocal tw=79
au FileType htm,html,php setlocal tw=9999
au FileType txt setlocal tw=80

:set nocompatible


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