victor NOAGBODJI wrote:
There is a current post about the subject.
But the OP doesn't tell how to activate this feature.

The autocompletion I  need is either for tags, or for attributes...

I'm under linux.


As said recently in answers to the thread you mention, you need:

   - not to source mswin.vim
- to activate filetype plugins: first check it by typing ":filetype" without the quotes. If the answer includes "Filetype detection=ON plugin=ON" it's OK. Otherwise add either "filetype plugin on" or "filetype plugin indent on" (still without the quotes) to your vimrc.

Then you activate omni-completion (and in particular HTML omni-completion) as said under

   :help compl-omni
   :help i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O
   :help ft-html-omni

Best regards,

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