In the meantime I found a solution myself:

        let s:lnr=line(".")
        let s:image=getline(s:lnr)
while (strlen(s:image) != 0) let s:lnr=s:lnr+1
                let s:image=getline(s:lnr)

I'm not that familiar with the global commands yet, maybe I
have to read the documentation again.

I second Benji's suggestion of using a ":g" command if possible. It's more idiomatic, making it easier to understand.

While you omit what you're doing with s:image once you have it, unless you're doing something with it within the body of your while statement, you're only getting the last one. It also looks like you're getting the line number only to pass it to getline().

The idiomatic way would be something like

        :g/^/let s:image=getline(".")

If you only want from the current line to the end of file, you can use

        :.,$g/^/let s:image=getline(".")

(:g defaults to the whole file if you don't specify a range, such as ".,$")

If you want to call a function with each line, or run an external command, you can do something like

        :g/^/exec "!somecommand ".getline(".")

Hope this gives you some additional ideas regarding how to use the :g command.


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