Ankur Jain wrote:

I installed vim 7.0 on windows. But, I am facing 2 weird problems, please help:

1. Vim is creating backup files even when I've switched it off. I've specified
          set nobackup
          set nowritebackup
   in my _vimrc. Still, it creates a backup file everytime I
modify/write a file.

Are your setting somehow tampered with? Try

   :verbose set backup? writebackup?

(Don't forget the question marks, otherwise you would be setting them to TRUE).

2. I cannot see a drop-down auto-completion window. I tried using
Ctrl-p/Ctrl-n keys as well, but it's not working. Do I need to specify
any specific setting on/off?

Please help

Ankur Jain

You need _one_ of the following in your vimrc to set filetype detection on with filetype-plugins enabled:

   filetype plugin on
   filetype plugin indent on
   source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim

-- to check it, use


with no arguments; the answer should include "plugin:ON".

Then you need a filetype whose filetype-plugin supports omni-completion. Several of them are shown under ":help compl-omni-filetypes". Or you could see them all by doing

   :help ft-*-omni<Ctrl-D>

And finally you trigger omni-completion by using Ctrl-X Ctrl-O in Insert mode at a point in the text where there is something that the plugin knows how to complete. Note that if there is only one possible completion (as after </ in HTML, for instance) autocompletion will happen without a menu.


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