> I give up. The procedure you came up with works for other keys but not
> for <C-N> (and possibly <C-P> as well). The function doesn't even get
> called when completion popup is visible. Even for other keys where the
> function gets called, I made several attempts to do what I want and
> worked properly. What I want is to remap <Down> to <C-N> (which is no
> problem) but to also move the cursor to the end of the line before
> <C-N>. I had two mixed results. In the first result, I am able to move
> the cursor to the end, but <C-N> will then be treated as a trigger for
> fresh insert mode completion (and I am not using a 'completefunc' to
> matches, so my completions get overwritten by what Vim generates by
> default). In the second result, <C-N> works, but the cursor is not
> to the end of the line. I tried to use all kinds of tricks mixing
> the use of feedkeys(), inputsave/restore() and others. Something is
> fishy about <C-N>, when it is anywhere in the map (LHS or RHS),
> everything else gets ignored.

There is a high probability that I am being dense, but it actually seems
to work for me now. Here is what I'm doing.

:imap <C-N> <C-R>=Wibble()<CR>

function! Wibble()
        if pumvisible()
                return "visible"
                return "unvisible"

I type the beginning of a tag ("actor_") and press <C-P> to open up the
popup menu. Vim enters the first match ("actor_get"), and I then press
<C-N>, and it changes the string to "actor_getvisible".

In normal insert mode pressing <C-N> just enters "unvisible".

Either I am misunderstanding the problem, or maybe I'm just special? Let
me know if you need any more details of my setup.


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