Op maandag 19 juni 2006 19:03, schreef Adnan Ali:
> --- Peter Palm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Op maandag 19 juni 2006 17:04, schreef Adnan Ali:
> > What is the output of:
> > :version
> >
> > ?
> It's weird too. It says it is elvis. That's how I
> found what vi was pointing to. I hope you don't snub
> me for that. I did acknowledge that I was not an
> advanced user!

Sure, no problem.

> > Vim's commandset is a superset of vi's, and since
> > you're asking a
> > question on the vim mailinglist, I suppose you mean
> > the 'vim
> > interface'.
> When vi points to vim, can we call this an interface
> to vim? that's what I meant! I regret my poor
> and improper usage of the English language!

The original vi was not freely distributable, so different 
implementations of vi were programmed by various people, and many 
distributions use one of these alternatives as the 'default vi 
implementation'. All these implementations provide the basic vi 
functions, using the same keystrokes.

> Many thanks for your reply! I almost solved the
> problem by pointing vi to vim.

Good luck, and I hope you'll like our favourite vi-implementation :)


Peter Palm

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